La Vida en Rosa
Shot by: Alan Cruz
Having the opportunity to go home was the remedy my soul needed. The sound of the coqui is something I feel everyone should experience whilst gazing at all the stars that are visible from my island. I even saw a shooting star and the last time I witnessed one was when I was a little girl, so that alone was pretty special, if I say so myself. Being back in Puerto Rico was so incredible for me because I am so close to my huge family. It is a completely different way of living and is surreal to be the majority again without experiencing racism on the daily.Β Everywhere you go you automatically feel welcomed and get the sense of community that is so rare in the states. These few examples alone give insight to how someone like me can live a happier life in the Caribbean. On this day I wore this printed dress for my great grandmothers birthday! It feels like a blessing to utter those words! It was a very humid day, but I still wanted to dress for the very special occasion.
Leslie Romero